11 September 2006

VIEW SOURCE : due 18 Sept

For the project VIEW SOURCE, use basic HTML to create a website with at least 5 pages, with one page of ASCII art in the source code and one page in which every word on the page is a link. Don't throw the site together randomly, think about what you want the site to be about (a theme, a topic, a story, an idea) and center your content around that. Worth 5% of semester grade.

FOR WEDNESDAY 13 September:
1-read Greene, p.6-64, post response to the class blog.
2-look at the examples of early internet art for inspiration:

-Make sure to view the source code of this project:
http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/ (1995)

-This is an example of a project in which each word on the page is a link:
Heath Bunting's _readme.html (1996)

-a weekly anthology of codework from Nettime (2002-2004)

-Here is some ASCII net art:
Deep ASCII, conversion of the classic porno film Deep Throat (1998)

-links to ASCII art generators- some are freeware that can be downloaded to your computer, some can be used directly from the website, and you can cut and paste the results into your text editor/HTML file

FOR MONDAY 18 September:
-finished site, no less than 5 pages. Don't forget your index.html page.
-You may not use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver of GoLive, rely only on your HTML book and any resources you might find on the web.
-The site should function as a coherent whole, not just something pieced together to fit the technical requirements.
-Upload it to your SMCM server space and check how it looks in different browsers.

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